Multiplayer Arcade Controller

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I recently built some proper storage areas in my house and while I was opening boxes and moving things onto shelves I ran into a big stack of electronic parts. In another box... READ MORE

All Sky Camera

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During winter, when the sky is clear, we can often witness northern lights above Whitehorse, YT. I wanted to capture these aurora events and share them with family and friends so I decided to... READ MORE

Build your own Cloud Chamber

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In this post, I will talk about my latest project: a Cloud Chamber. It involves woodworking, electronics and particle physics. But first, let me tell you what it does. It was originally invented by... READ MORE

Make your own simple camera slider

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Following the construction of my camera slider, I thought I would share a bit more information about the materials and how to use it. First let’s talk about the purpose of such device. The goal... READ MORE