Featured Projects
Multiplayer Arcade Controller
I recently built some proper storage areas in my house and while I was opening boxes and moving things onto shelves I ran into a big stack of electronic parts. In another box... READ MORE
All Sky Camera
During winter, when the sky is clear, we can often witness northern lights above Whitehorse, YT. I wanted to capture these aurora events and share them with family and friends so I decided to... READ MORE
Build your own telescope part 2: the tube
I recently completed the tube of my 8 inches telescope. For this project, I didn’t have any plans so I had to spend a lot of time figuring out the appropriate dimensions of each... READ MORE
Build your own Cloud Chamber
In this post, I will talk about my latest project: a Cloud Chamber. It involves woodworking, electronics and particle physics. But first, let me tell you what it does. It was originally invented by... READ MORE
Build your own telescope part 1: The mirror
Building or buying? That’s a question that often comes to the mind of amateur astronomers. This question is not always about money saving. Instead, if you consider getting a 10″ instrument or less, you’re... READ MORE
Make your own simple camera slider
Following the construction of my camera slider, I thought I would share a bit more information about the materials and how to use it. First let’s talk about the purpose of such device. The goal... READ MORE