Make your own sanding drums

posted in: DIY, Woodworking | 3

Woodworking always involves a certain amount of sanding. Unless you manage to cut your wood parts right on the line on the first try, there is a good chance you will have to sand a few millimetres from time to time.

Sanding produces a clean and smooth surface but also create a lot of dust. It can also be time consuming depending on the hardness of your wood.rts right on the line on the first try, there is a good chance you will have to sand a few millimetres from time to time.

I recently started a spinning wheel project. I chose to use Maple for the whole frame except for the wheel which is made out of birch plywood. The first thing I noticed is that Maple is very hard. If you cut a part a little bit too large, you will spend quite some time trying to sand it down to the line.

You might not have the money to buy a belt sander so here’s a cheap and quick sanding tool everyone can build using standard tools: The DIY Sanding Drum !

sanding drum

I wont go over the building process as the following video explains it well enough.

If you place this sanding drum on a drill press, you get the accuracy needed to produce squared parts.


3 Responses

  1. Bruce J Bonkowski

    I loved this video very much but I have a question what is the sander called that is a drum sander but the drum can move up and down is my email. bruce bonkowski

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